Emma’s Story

We are all so special...

Emma is 23 years of age, a qualified teacher, who was fortunate enough to be a pilgrim on the HCPT’s Group 177 pilgrimage to Lourdes. Group 177 contained 8 ‘VIP’ guests, who had diagnosed learning disabilities. These children provided the group with a very special purpose – to bind our Catholic community together and support each other through serving Christ’s mission…

Each evening gave group 177 an opportunity to participate in group prayer. One particular evening which stood out for me (Day 4) was ‘Being Thankful’.

As quoted: “Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.”

Given all the difficulties and troubles which we all face this really encouraged Emma to reflect upon the power of being thankful, and how all of us can transform our lives with the power of Jesus Christ.

As a musician, Emma was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to take part in the regional Mass, a very powerful experience which allowed Emma to thank God for her talents and also to recognise and appreciate the talents of others. The Mass was also an exceptional experience in itself, with a very clear and poignant message – you are special. A great part of the pilgrimage experience was getting to converse and meet other HCPT groups and also from the international HCPT family. Meeting others reminded 1 of the strength and solidarity of what we were doing as pilgrims and reminded her that there are plenty of other young Catholics who are committed to Christ’s mission.

Emma found that having the opportunity to visit the grotto and the baths was a spiritually moving experience. For her, it was a particularly poignant experience due to the reason which brought us all together as a group – the children. It allowed her to reflect upon her own life and be grateful for what she has as a young adult. Furthermore, as a teacher, it reminded Emma of her mission as an educator and the importance of remembering that Christ has a special plan for each individual and that she is instrumental to this.

Emma finishes by reflecting upon what was, for her, the most special moment -the torch light procession; holding a candle in one hand representing the light of Christ and holding the hand of an autistic child, who needed her for support and direction. It reminded her that we all have a purpose in life – no matter how big/small or no matter where we come from – we are all God’s children and most importantly we are all so special.

Emma finishes by thanking the Catenians for their generous financial support.

Project Organiser: HCPT

A photo of Peter during his Individual Project Award


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A photo of Ruth during her Individual Project Award


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A photo of Emma during her Individual Project Award


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