Emily’s Story

Building teacher's accommodation in Kenya

Emily went with the Lasallian Developing World Projects to St Mary’s School, a Lasallian school in Nyeri in Kenya to help build teachers’ houses. Emily was involved in the very hard work as a builder’s labourer assisting the Kenyan builders, moving bricks, carrying cement and water and eventually creating home-made scaffolding as the buildings progressed…

A focus of St Mary’s is that it is a rescue centre providing refuge for children who have lived on the streets or suffered abuse or are orphaned. Emily says she was so impressed by the boys who had nothing, and yet worked so hard and wanted to do so well, not only to bring themselves out of poverty but also their parents and siblings too. They were always so happy and so grateful for what little support we can give. This really made Emily reflect on the attitude of people in the UK, how we all complain and get upset if something isn’t perfect – but at the end of the day kit doesn’t matter. “This will resonate with me for the rest of my life”, says Emily.

Emily reports that her trip to Kenya was nothing like she had anticipated and it has already and will continue to change her life forever. Emily is forever grateful to all those, like the Bursary Fund, who enabled her journey and experience.

Project Organiser: Lasallian Developing World Projects (LDWP)

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