Amy’s Story

Helping with care of AIDS patients

Amy travelled to Malawi to help at the Umunthu Foundation which is a clinic offering HIV/AIDS testing and both pre and post care for patients. She joined a team of volunteers and participated in two work streams – a post-test club and with home visits. In the post test club patients would come and discuss their issues and Amy says she enjoyed the discussions and learnt so much from them…

Amy was also able to teach English and Maths for a couple of days at Bright Era Primary School. She says she had such an enjoyable time teaching, meeting the bright Malawian children and so many dedicated and most friendly teachers.

Amy feels that she learnt so much about herself and the world around her in Malawi. Her experiences highlighted to her how lucky she is to have a comfortable life in the UK and how much she takes for granted. She hopes that in some small way she has made a difference there. “I will for ever be grateful for the generous support offered by the Catenian Bursary Fund” she says. “Without it I may not have been able to go to Malawi and learn so much.”

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